2005-07-05 1:53 PM
2005-07-03 1:53 PM
Dear all:
I'm new in STR71x.After reading UART section,I have some question about UARTn interrupt driver as follow: 1: after reset ,UARTn_SR=0X06(default value,TxHalfEmpty and TxEmpty bit set 1),if I set TxEmptyIE,it will immediately generate a interrupter request although I don't write anything to UARTn_TxBUFR?? 2: after sending data by interrupt ,the TxEmpty set 1,uart interrupt request will be generated one by one unless I disable TxEmptyIE bit.Is that rignt? Coud you tell me the reason and how you deal with it?If you have example code about UART interrupt ,Please help.Thanks2005-07-05 1:53 PM
Thank you.