2005-07-05 8:10 AM
2005-07-05 8:10 AM
I have a question about the maximum current sink capability of the GPIO pins on the STR71x series.
According to the datasheet, when a pin is assigned to push-pull output mode, it can source either 8mA (high current pin) or 4mA (standard current pin) with a 0.8v drop below the V33 rail, or it can sink 4mA/8mA with a 0.4v rise above GND. My question is this: What is the maximum safe current that these pins can source or sink, regardless of the voltage drop? For example, is it possible to sink 10mA from a high current pin, with perhaps a 0.8v drop? The datasheet does not seem to specifiy a maximum current that can be sourced/sunk by the pins in output mode. I want to be able to drive an optocoupler diode from the UART TX pins through a 164 ohm resistor in order to achieve maximum speed from the optocoupler. Please advise if this is feasible. Best regards, Ben Edwards