2003-04-29 5:46 AM
[q]Ask about developing usb module at uPSD3234A
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
In the attached zip file a document called, USB Demo App. Structure.doc, explains how to setup the USB interface. Also included in the zip file is the USB IP driver source code and the PSDsoft project files for the ST's DK3200 Eval board, it should help you to get your USB IP development started.
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Hello guys,
Now I'm developing a system with uPSD3234A. This MCU deals usb module by HID(Human Interface Device). Can anyone tell me the flowchart of developing the usb module program? If some test board is needed just do it with DK3200 demo board.(AN15pdf - this includes total circuit diagram.) I need your help... Best regards, Byounghoon2011-05-17 2:53 AM
The file seems to be corrupted, can you re-post? Simon2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Please try your download again, the file is not corrupted. There was a problem with the code of the page.2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Thanks for the file however, I had it already. I need more detail approach. If you don't mind, would you let me show the flow chart for the connect procedure between firmware and windows application? I studied all registers of firmware but I can't build them in order to operate. Best regards, Byounghoon2011-05-17 2:53 AM
you are a professional, aren't you? The supplied sources describe the USB-interface well and sufficient. They work - once the hardware does. This problem has been solved; see elsewhere in this forum. Besides - I highly recommend the study of general USB- literature. You won't understand the handling of USB by simply reading sourcecode. Regards [ This message was edited by: Nickname on 21-04-2003 13:48 ]2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Thanks for an advice. I'll dig the source more as you said.
I completely agree with you that it is very hard to deal the USB module with sufficient knowlege base of USB. I'll study USB more first. Thanks, Byounghoon2011-05-17 2:53 AM
On 2003-04-18 15:43, dag wrote: sjh, Please try your download again, the file is not corrupted. There was a problem with the code of the page. Many thanks dag, Simon