2003-09-03 8:23 PM
2011-05-17 2:55 AM
I am using uPSD 3200. I'm trying to use the channel PWM4, but frequency calculations don't match. I write: PWMVP (0xAA) = 0x02 // Variable PWM Period Reg PWMVPW (0xAB) = 0x01; // Variable PWM Pulse Width sfr PSCL1L (0xB3) = 0x00; // Variable PWM Prescaler low sfr PSCL1H (0xB4) = 0x00; // Variable PWM Prescaler high The fosc=16Mhz. But the output frecuency is 121Hz when i think that fout=4Mhz. Why? More. i write PWMVP (0xAA) = 0x64; // Variable PWM Period Reg PWMVPW (0xAB) = 0x32; // Variable PWM Pulse Width And changing PWMVPW the pulse width don´t change. Thank you very much2011-05-17 2:55 AM
I was using the PWM4 one time to generate a clock of 9 MHZ but after I stoped to use it. maybe the attached file can help you. totof.[ This message was edited by: totof on 30-08-2003 00:20 ]2011-05-17 2:55 AM
Thank you for your answer. I test it at the DK3200 and working ok. But it doesn´t work on a microcontroller what i buyed. I tested the oscillator. Thank you .