2003-04-24 5:21 AM
Programming ST72F264G2M6 In-circuit
2003-04-21 8:23 AM
I was having problems for programming this ST72F264G2M6 Microcontroller In-circuit, I am using a ST7MDT10-EPB, some times I had to remove the resonator from my application board in order to make it work, Then some guy told me to download the newest version for the Visual programmer, and I did it, I downloaded the ''ST7 Visual Programmer Release 1.8.0#, it is suppoused to work with ST7xxxx-EPBx, ST7MDTxx-DVPx, ST7-STICK-LPT boards, but once installed I am getting these errors:
Error : Device ST72262/264G2 not found in DBCFILE.CNF file Error : Unable to set hardware configuration . Does someone knows what can I do?2003-04-24 5:21 AM
I suggest to contact your local support in order to solve your problems. In fact, in my opinion, it seems the best way. In any case, you have two different problems: 1) Software problem with STVP7: It could be enough to install again correctly the STVP7 Software. Please, take care the OS used. You must be administrator on Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP. 2) Application problem with user ICC interface: It could be enough to correctly follow all recommendations pointed out on ST literature for this type of feature. In any case, it seems be linked to your application (schematic, firmware and so on). So, it is necessary to know further information about your project in order to solve the problem. For this reason, I suggest you to contact directly your local support. regards brunod[ This message was edited by: brunod on 24-04-2003 22:35 ]