2006-07-02 10:33 PM
2006-07-02 2:07 AM
i'm using STR711FR2. When i'm trying to download F/W using Keil Ulink i get the message ''timeout error''. The problem is that the WatchDog isn't shutting down when the download starts. I tried to run an ini file before the download in order to disable the watchdog with no success. I tried the following commands in the ini file: 1. _WDWORD(0xE000E000,0) 2. E INT 0xE000E000 = 0 3. MEMSET (0xE000E000, 2, 0) questions: 1. What is the difference between these commands? 2. Any suggestions how to solve the problem?2006-07-02 10:33 PM
Do not use ulink but the problem affects all debuggers.
I would say the watchdog is being activated before the ulink is able to stop the core. once enabled only a reset will stop the watchdog. The only solution is to delay before setting the watchdog to give the ulink time to stop the core. Regards sjo