2005-04-14 3:34 AM
2005-04-13 11:48 PM
I have Problems with the RTC a the ST10F269. I can read the register. but can't write there. To write the regiester RTCL and RTCH, I must stop the RTC. But I can set the Bit RTCOFF in the register RTCCON. I have read in this forum that it gives problems with the can2, I don't use the can2. can help me. Thanks2005-04-14 1:05 AM
Thank for your Help,
I use Tasking v7.5 to programm the ST10. I enabled it in Tasking settings, I hope that is correct. But it not working correct.2005-04-14 3:34 AM
Neila has already told you the answer. While RTCOFF=0 (bit 7 of RTCCON register) it's not possible to write the content of RTCL and RTCH. This is completely normal.
Anyway, on the F269, there is a known problem on the RTC peripheral. Briefly it is not possible to disable RTC via bit RTCEN of XPERCON register, the peripheral is enabled as soon as the XPEN is set. Anyway read and write access are performed only if at least one of bit of XPERCON to enable CAN1,CAN2 or RTC is set. Moreover when you use the RTC you cannot use the CAN2, this is due to a partial decode of the addresses.