2006-05-30 8:36 PM
2006-05-18 4:38 AM
I use EvalBoard MB393 and STR7 RVDK Realview debugger 1.7 and i tried to donwload the file :''str71xdemo_usb.axf'' but this message occured: Error: Unable to write Program memory at 0x0000 Error S10000 (Server): Unable to Write at 0x0000 - Uknown Flash memory Error S0025 (Server): Unable to write memory at specified addr while Loading File. ________________ Attachments : RVDG.PNG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtOi&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aPR%2F41A0buUzya7obqd0SxWD9o8yfm.2i2AaqVPnc6oR5P0&asPdf=false2006-05-18 10:52 PM
this file was downloaded from the str7 page : STR71x Demonstration Software for MB393 board http://mcu.st.com/mcu/download2.php?file=1080747744.zip&info=STR7%20Software%20STR71x&url=/mcdfiles/1080747744.zip I use RVDK 2.1 for ST with Realview ICE. The only .axf that I can use is : str71xdemo_gp.axf If you know how to repair it, it would be nice2006-05-19 3:49 AM
It worked once :
str71xdemo_usb.axf was loaded (with SW 13 14 15 as you said) (so as str71x_extflash.axf) I don't know with this worked at this time I plugged the USB cable and the board was recognized as a mouse by windows. However, nothing happened on hyperterminal when I hit a d w x (azerty or qwerty ?) The problem is I cannot reload both axf files in order to retry the demo. How to restart from a clean config ? - Do I have to load str71xdemo_gp.axf in internal flash ? - is a reset to do to load USB demo in external flash - ... Thank you for your help,2006-05-23 5:47 AM
thank you for your help, we succeed to run the usb demo. 1) However, both .axf files (demo_usb and extflash) need to be loaded with : SW15 opposite CPU SW13 opposite CPU SW14 toward CPU (both need to be loaded in RAM) 2) Then Go (F5) until RAM is transfered into external flash. 3) Run Hyperterminal (9600 8, N, 1) (serial cable on UART0) 4) The boot switches : SW15 = opposite CPU SW13 = opposite CPU SW14 = opposite CPU 5) Reset MB393 board => STR7 HID Mouse Demo appears on hyperterm 6) connect USB cable => USB configured 'a' 'd' 'w' 'x' appears on hyperterm 7) it works! now I would like to know how erase the external flash on the MB393 eval board? Thanks,2006-05-24 1:53 AM
thank you for your help, i succeeded to erase the external flash.2006-05-30 3:22 AM
i would like to know if it's possible to obtain the source code of usb_demo? thanks,