2003-07-17 9:20 PM
Port B in MCU I/O mode bit access !!
2011-05-17 2:55 AM
I want to access to PB0 but it doesn't work. Maybe I have to change upsd3200.h but i'm not sure. I don't know how declared this pin in my soft. somebody can help me, please ? totof2011-05-17 2:55 AM
Have you set the Port direction register? Also, have you correctly set the PSD register address? Simon2011-05-17 2:55 AM
Please see the attached code fragment I wrote to toggle PB0 pin. PB0 is connected to LED2 on the DK3200 eval board. You can just insert the attached code segment to the Main {} loop of the design example 3, dk3200_dsn_3, and complile and download it to a DK3200 board, then watch LED2 blink when Set or Clear PB.0 cmd is issued.2011-05-17 2:55 AM
thanks a lot for your answers. If i can help it will be a pleasure. totof