2007-08-07 4:38 AM
2011-05-17 12:45 AM
I use the MC to preform pulsess between 1-20 at a time and then stop untill the next pulses request. the first pulses i generate is acurate. I start the PWM in software mode then load a 0 value to one of the pulses preloaders and move back to hardware mode, when the repetition counter reaches 0 the MC will load 0 value to the counter and the output will then be 0. but when i try to do that again it seems that the repetition preloader was not updated and i recive less pulsess then i expected. has any body used MC for a specific amout of pulsess at a time? B.R2011-05-17 12:45 AM
I implemented the pulses as folow: 1.set classical mode. 2.set the pulse and cycle. 3.set software mode. 4.enable the PWM counter. 5.fource data from preloader to comerators by setind SDT. 6.load 0 to the pulse preloader. 7.load 0 to the repetition register. 8.move back to hardware mode. when the MC repetition counter reachers 0 and the PWM counter reaches 0 as well the MC will load the preloader values and the output will be 0.