2004-06-07 1:06 PM
2004-06-01 2:52 PM
Im wondering is there a max size of a interupt function? the reason i ask is that i have a SCI interupt function and it seems to get to a certain size and then the check sum doesnt change when i add code? Im using the cosmic compiler stack long model on a 521R9 micro. My hex file is only 35k. thanks for your time chris[ This message was edited by: chrisjw on 02-06-2004 03:24 ]2004-06-07 5:39 AM
Have you checked the map file of your Project before and after increasing the size of the interrupt routine?
Does the number of bytes used in the code segment increases? If the size of the code segment increases then that would mean that the code is placed. Or you can also try placing the Interrupt routine in a specifically defined code segment by using #pragma section (segment name) option. And then verify the size of this segment beofre and after adding the Interrupt Routine. By the way does the extra code which you add in your code is getting executed or not?2004-06-07 1:06 PM
Thanks for replying
I didnt check the map file or the segment sizes. I only noticed it because it would get to point in the routine and stop so i guess the code wasnt getting executed. I changed my function to get called from within main() and it works now. ill try putting it in its own segment later and see how it goes. thanks again chris