2025-01-30 6:24 AM - last edited on 2025-01-30 6:43 AM by Andrew Neil
Split from Netx and W5100S to a separate thread, as this is a different question.
I gave up with NetX and moved to LwIP.
So does anybody know where to find an example of LwIP with W5100S or similar?
I use them in FreeRTOS, but nonOS example will be also helpful.
2025-01-30 6:43 AM - edited 2025-01-30 6:51 AM
As before, have you tried asking Wiznet, and looking at general LwIP resources?
I see two Wiznet App Notes...
2025-01-30 7:01 AM
Yes, I have read them all.
They dis not help me, unfortunately.
I have found an example from Peter Borisenko's GitHub and trying to adopt it to my needs.
Thanks anyway.
2025-01-30 7:05 AM
So what, exactly, do you need that isn't covered by them?
The more detail you give, the more likely you are to get a useful answer ...
2025-01-31 6:39 AM
Thank you for not leaving this thread!
Imagine CubeMX generated project for stm32h7 µC for LAN8742 PHY with LwIP.
Everything works as expected even with DMA and FreeRTOS.
Now I use the same µC stm32h7, but this time I don't have so many free pins and I decided to use w5100s from Wiznet in SPI-mode, because it has so called MACRAW mode. I need somehow to inform LwIP, that I don't have LAN8742 anymore. Where should I start? Are there similar projects? I mean these w5XXX chips from Wiznet are very famous and no one tried to combine LwIP and w5100? I know that w5100s has a complete TCP/IP stack onboard, but I don't need it.
Any help would be appreciated!
2025-01-31 6:46 AM - edited 2025-01-31 6:50 AM
Again, the support for that would be within LwIP - which is an independent 3rd-party product.
It's really a general LwIP question - not a specific STM32 question.
And Wiznet should have information on how to use their products with LwIP - also not specific to STM32.
An example of MACRAW: