2005-09-06 8:55 AM
Looking for USB-example for Eval-Board
2005-09-05 8:50 PM
Has anywhere a good USB-example for the Evaluation-Board ''Hitex STR7'' what is the same as '' Keil MCBSTR7''. This board only use intern memory.
Thanks for goopd ideas.2005-09-06 8:55 AM
Zouth gave me an example that runs from the internal flash. But you can change the configuration and make it work from internal ram, there is enough space. Keil should come with an example for str711. You need to change just a few compilaton settings like the bigger size of internal ram. If you are able to run a program from flash to send a few characters to uart you will be able to make the USB run too. It's not a big deal if you have a little experience. About the usb you should check the status on D+ and D- pins... but that only after you compile the usb mouse demo, it runs, it shows the right things in hyper terminal and the pc says ''unknown device''. If that happens then you have to make sure it's not that USBUF01W6 to blame. But that only after you are confident your program works. I must remind you that usb is pretty complicated stuff... if you can't toggle a led you'd better learn how to ''play'' with uart first.