2003-07-22 4:26 AM
2003-05-27 1:16 AM
Has anybody interfaced an LCD module(having driver on board) with ST7 ? If yes..Can i have the software code for that?
2003-05-27 2:19 AM
Attached code will work with any HD44780 based lcd.
Adjust port setup in lcd.c to suit your application. Use as: LCDSetup( FOURBIT ); PrintData(ROW1,0,''hello''); Hope this helps. Spen ________________ Attachments : lcd.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I059&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bVi%2F_4_3WNZg1iArrtMsETqDQnXMo_x9D_DIWGE97F3Tu4Q&asPdf=false2003-05-27 3:03 AM
Thanks for the software.
2003-05-27 6:03 AM
You have also an application note: AN1048: ST7 LCD software driver downlodable from this site.
2003-05-27 5:13 PM
Yes,but it is for the LCD glass in which we are emulating the hardware driver with the software driver. I required for LCD Module.
2003-05-28 11:35 PM
There is one function //// data= GetLCDLineIndex( line, position );/// which is not given in the file. Can you tell whats the output of this fuction?
2003-05-29 4:05 AM
All this function does is return the ddram address for the particular line/offset, The code I sent is taken from an lcd tester unit.
eg. for a 16x4 lcd GetLCDLineIndex( LINE2, 0 ) would return 0x40. Regards SJO2003-07-22 4:26 AM
For a my customer, I have sucessfully used a standard 2x20 alphanumeric LCD, HD44780 based module with ST72311.
If You want, I can send You via e-mail, the ''C'' sources an for COSMIC compiler mixed with parts in assember too. Don't exitate to contact me at sisto.zanier@adriacom.it