2020-03-18 7:16 AM
I have a weird issue !
I am developing an application where i Use the M24C64-WDW6TP EEPROM.
First I need to be sure, this eeprom have 8KB of memory, every page is 32B so it has 256 pages.
is the page address = (page number - 1 )*page_size ?? for example when I want to write to the second page, the address has to be 32 = 0x0020?
If I want to write to the second byte in the second page this byte address is 0x0021?
Second I have an issue where I try to write 32 bytes to a page,
The issue is that the lat 3 - 4 bytes is not written to the eeprom and I noticing that when I read the same page after I write it.
Do someone recognize this problem !?
Please help
Best Regards
2020-03-18 10:39 AM
"First I need to be sure, this eeprom have 8KB of memory, every page is 32B so it has 256 pages"
is the page address = (page number - 1 )*page_size ?? for example when I want to write to the second page, the address has to be 32 = 0x0020?
If I want to write to the second byte in the second page this byte address is 0x0021? " ==> yes confirmed.
Never heard this problem.
Please check only 32b are sent for update at the beginning of the page and wait time of 5 ms to complete the internal update.
Team EEPROM suPPort
2020-03-18 10:28 PM
I found the problem.
I sent the address bytes switched with the LSB first, I fixed it and everything works fine
Thanks for you reply.
2020-03-19 1:00 AM
Good news! Thanks for the feedback.
Team EEPROM suPPort