2003-12-16 7:14 PM
Jatin: Trouble in Output Compare
2003-12-15 6:44 PM
Hello Jatin:
I m using ST7F19 now. I set the DCR0 to a non-zero value, I monitor the CMPF0 in PWM0CSR, it never be set. Any other control bit need to be set? preThank you! J.V.2003-12-16 4:43 PM
Hi Jatin,
I found that the CMPFx is set only when the TRANCR is equ to $01. J.V.2003-12-16 7:14 PM
Hi Jatin,
hei hei I got it! It s true that the DCR won't do any affect until the OVF is set while the TRABCR is ''$01''. In case of sothware UART, we need DCR act immediately after we set it value. We cant wait OVF occurs! So I have a idea that I set ATR to $ffe, after we set the DCR we set TRABCR, and then set ATR to 0. then we just need to wait for the CMPFx set. Here the DCR is the absolute value of half bit delay, for the upcounter is increase from 0. Anyway I will thank you for your help! J.V.