2006-09-07 2:19 AM
Initial state of I/O Ports differ by booting from flash
2006-08-30 11:04 PM
Hi everybody!
I have following problem.: When powering on the STR711 from flash (flash empty) the initial state of the I/O Pin 0.11 differs from the I/O state when powering on from ram. That means if BOOT0=0 BOOT1=0 BOOTEN=1 (Flash), then P0.11 is low after powering on. And if BOOT0=0 BOOT1=1 BOOTEN=1 (RAM), then P0.11 is high after powering on. (Before executing or loading any code into RAM/Flash; - just power on) I want P0.11 high in both cases... Any hints? regards, Erwin [ This message was edited by: ewitt on 01-09-2006 10:34 ]2006-09-07 2:19 AM
resolved it, just didnt open my eyes