2007-01-02 3:34 AM
Inconsistency at SPI-behavior of Lite29 chip and ST7VD
2007-01-02 3:34 AM
In my application I'm using the SPI-interface of the ST7Flite29 only to send data. As I'm taking the sequence
while ((SPICSR & bit7) == 0); /* waiting for SPIF flag */ SPIDR = SR_value; it works as espected on the chip: jointly clearing the SPIF-flag and writing to the SPIDR-register. But using the ST7VD, I have to clear the SPIF flag separately before writing to the SPIDR. e.g. while ((SPICSR & bit7) == 0); /* waiting for SPIF flag */ SPIDR; SPIDR = SR_value; If any moderator attaches importance to this fact, he might forward it to the ST7VD-team. WoRo