2007-11-15 1:32 AM
2007-11-13 10:14 PM
When you have applied WRITE protection (NOT access protection) to a block of iFLASH. If you now want to UNPROTECT this block, you writes ONES to the block control bits and use the 'set protection' command.
I find the data sheet unclear in its description. Please can someone clarify the following. Will the UNPROTECT now be PERMANENT or is it only TEMPOARY (i.e Bobuntil the next CPU reset)? The snag is, if one is attempting to protect a BOOT BLOCK you have to reboot the CPU to enter BSL mode and would the PROTECTION be re-applied or not? Bob2007-11-14 10:19 PM
Hello Bob2,
Once a Flash block is Write protected, it can be only TEMPORARILY unprotected by writing ones into Bits WyPx of FNVWPXRH/L-FNVWPIRH/L and executing the Set Protection operation (The un-protection is Temporary and can not be permanent). To restore the write protection, it is necessary either to reset the microcontroller or to execute a Set Protection operation and write 0 into the desired bits. Regards, Najoua.2007-11-15 1:29 AM
Najoua, many thanks. I have another question and I will put that in a new thread.
Bob2007-11-15 1:32 AM
Ok , you are welcome.