2006-01-05 3:36 AM
2011-05-17 3:09 AM
I try to implement a little bootloader on a uPSD 3354D 1) I jump from BOOT to MAIN with: *************************************************** _Switch_Flash: MOV DPTR,#01e2H ; my VMreg MOV A,#84H MOVX @DPTR,A LJMP 0000H; *************************************************** (that works) from MAIN to BOOT i want to jump with *************************************************** _Switch_Flash: MOV DPTR,#01E2H MOV A,#092H MOVX @DPTR,A LJMP 0000H; *************************************************** (that doesn't work) --> why??? The device produces an reset and restarts the main programm. 2) Is it possible to run the uC at first from MAIN Flash? My uC starts after every reset in the SECOND Flash! (The only exception you can read 5 lines before!) Thanks... cba