2003-04-09 8:22 PM
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
I want to write an IAP code(in assembly) for upsd323X .Can anyone help me in this? I would like to know if any reference material is availvble for the same.2011-05-17 2:53 AM
We currently do not have IAP sample code written for the uPSD family processors, however we do have the IAP code written for the DK900 project. The IAP code is written in C for the 8051 MCU. As you know, the uPSD is the same MCU and has a similar PSD. You would need to modify the DK900 code to fit your application, however it should be a good starting point. The DK900 manual and the IAP firmware for the DK900 project can be found from our website at:
http://www.st.com/stonline/prodpres/memory/psd/html/dk900.htm (DK900 8051 Demo).2011-05-17 2:53 AM
Thanks for the reply.
We have written the C code to suit our appliction,but we are finding difficulty in interfacing this C code with our assembly file. Major problem we are finding in passing the parameters to assembly file. Purvi