2018-03-15 2:08 PM
I used the eDesign Suite set up a Flyback converter for the L6566. The compensation loop design looked unreasonable with 'Ropto' being only 51Ohms (output is 26V). It would need to be 9W while attempting to source ~>400mA to the shunt and optocoupler.
Its an AC/DC QR flyback with 110-120Vac in.; 26Vdc (2%ripple) out @ up to 9A; Primary inductance is 90uH; shunt voltage is 2.5V. I need a compensation application for the L6566, I can't trust the tool and would like guidance on setting the proper Rfb and Cfb for stable compensation.
The compensation pin is pulled up by 25K to 5V+/-2%. I'm using a CTR of ~1 and a parallel (opto collector to ground) cap of 680pF. For cout i'll use either 2200uF or 3300uF.
#dcm-compensation #edesignsuite #l6566 #flyback-compensation #quasi-resonant-compensation