2018-05-02 5:55 AM
I have a machine with an LCD display that is in Korean, I want to change that to English. Following are the details.
There is this LCD Module with Toshiba T6963C Controller, which is bus connected to a PCB that has a ST PSD913F2-90J and a DS80C320 Microcontroller embedded on it, and only a JTAG connector IEEE1149.1 ( enabling only 4 pins : TDO, TDI, TCK, TMS) ... as the display is in Korean, the LCD controller T6963C is using a custom External Memory to read characters, most probably ST PSD913F2-90J, so my question was how to access this PSD913F2 and change where ever that Korean Display data is stored into English. Assistance would be highly appreciated.
2018-05-02 7:18 AM
Prior thread
If you want to spoof the display then you'll need to figure the wiring of the circuit board and how you can pull off the signals either to replace the existing display controller, or snoop the bus traffic and recognize the different display and message usage translating that into a form you want.
If the interaction is at a relatively pedestrian rate you could use GPIOs for the bus signals, and a GPIO/EXTI for the write pulse. For more rapid rates DMA might be advisable with all GPIO on the same bank.
Assistance would be highly appreciated.
It's your project, so you'll like have to own it, or contract it out.
2018-05-02 9:31 AM
willing to contract it out! could find someone yet.
2018-05-02 9:32 AM
will have to use JTAG interface to access the registers
2018-05-03 4:19 AM
If you can patch the binary, this idea might help. We have an English application under windows, but have translate to other languages options. The text output checks a dictionary, and if the string is present, it outputs the translation not the original English. Have used this for Russian and Chinese. You should be able to patch the binary if you can identify the string output module. Patching the binary should not be too hard.