2018-02-16 11:18 AM
hi my name is mehdi . I'm using eDesignSuite for a Viper 27LN. how i choise transformer with Transformer Specifications?
Transformer Specifications:
fsw: 60 kHz - Isat ≥ 757 mA - Lp: 2.06 mH ± 10 % - leakage ≤ 3 % Primary: Ipk 617 mA - Irms 211 mA - Iavg 108 mA Aux: Ipk 189 mA - Irms 18 mA - Iavg 3 mA - Prim/Aux turn ratio 7.29 Out 1: Ipk 3.24 A - Irms 1.27 A - Iavg 750 mA - Prim/Out 1 turn ratio 7.76 Out 2: Ipk 3.24 A - Irms 1.27 A - Iavg 750 mA - Prim/Out 2 turn ratio 7.762018-02-19 1:53 AM
Hello Mehdi,
using VIPer27 flyback isolated design on eDesignSuite, a commercial transformer from Wurth should appear, if your specifications meet specific requirements. Could you please specify input and output values and if you have applied some customizations on your design?