2003-04-13 9:51 PM
2003-04-10 6:10 AM
Actually, I need to write a program that tests the FLASH of the st7c2334.
I need to program al the memory bytes to '0' and than check. I need to program al the memory bytes to '1' and than check. If the checks correspond, the flash is ok. Has anyone got an idea how to do that ? tia Chr2003-04-11 12:40 AM
Because you are using a CFlash part you will need an external micro to put the device into programming mode (IAP is not available on this device) and just upload a custom bootrom.
You could adapt my prgrammmer to do this. (www.spen-soft.co.uk) Or if ST would document the 'RAM Exec' function of Visual Programmer you might be able to do it from there, but you would still need a means of uploading the custom bootrom. Regards Spen2003-04-11 7:01 AM
that's just what I'm doing: downloading code into RAM of st7 via ISP through another st7. It's my thesis.2003-04-11 8:45 AM
Why don't you just copy my programmer - www.spen-soft.co.uk
You could remove the flash and a few components and have a small pcb. All the source and info is there Regards Spen2003-04-11 2:48 PM
I CAN program the flash of an st7, I have a much simpeler programmer than yours..
But I need a program that writes to flash from RAM greetz2003-04-13 9:51 PM
If you can write to the flash then you must already have a bootrom which executes from RAM - I'm afraid I don't understand what you want.
Regards SJO