2009-03-04 1:16 AM
2011-05-17 12:57 AM
To let the WIU sensitive to more than one external interrupt you should use the WIU (all) group instead of EXTIT1 group (as you have coded) In fact the WIU (all) group is a Logic OR of all 32 inputs of Wake-Up unit. However you are selecting only one line as trigger. Hence you should comment these two lines: //SCU_WakeUpLineConfig(9); //SCU_WakeUpLineConfig(8); Moreover the VIC configuration will be instead: VIC_Config(WIU_ITLine, VIC_IRQ, 6); VIC_ITCmd(WIU_ITLine, ENABLE); Finally in the ''it.c'' file use the WIU_IRQHandler instead of EXTIT1_IRQHandler. Please let me know if this solves your issue. Kind regards, Eris.2011-05-17 12:57 AM
The occurrence to get two EXTI interrupts lines asserted at the same time is quite miniature. In fact despite you are raising the interrupt 8 and 9 at aprox the same time, the GPIO pins may not have the same response time. Now if we suppose that you are already in the ISR service routine handling the raising of one line, and the other line is raised I this case, since the two lines have the same priorities then the second one remains pending in the VIC until it becomes the higher priority interrupt.Hence normally no interrupt will be lost. Kind regards, Eris.