2009-07-07 1:37 PM
2011-05-17 12:58 AM
Is there a way to configure the IAR embedded workbench to use both external and internal RAM for data?2011-05-17 12:58 AM
Yes, you use the XCL file to define a new memory section (with -Z I think it is) and then locate the RAM objects you want in there by either using a #pragma directive or an @ modifier to your definition (in your C/C++ source). Something like this:
int myArray[1000000]; ''@EXTRAM'' where EXTRAM is the new section you defined in your XCL file with a line something like: -ZEXTRAM=0x9000000-0x9f00000 The syntax I've given here is probably not exactly right as I'm just going from memory, but this will give you the idea. Check the xlink documentation for the full details. Rich2011-05-17 12:58 AM
Sorry but I neglected to mention that in EW the XCL file is buried in a dialog box. If you right-click on the EW project in the left hand tree of EW you should see a Properties entry, in there I think there is a Linker item, and there you should find the path to the XCL file your project is using. Be warned though, if you're working from one of their examples the XCL file will likely be shared by many of the example projects, so keep that in mind.