2007-05-15 3:01 AM
2007-05-14 8:27 AM
I'm having some trouble with a ST10 API function, specificly the one defined as ST10FLASHER_API unsigned int PASCAL InitMonitor(char *target); (in our code). Once an attempt has been made to update our product's firmware, without powering it on, which is an accident that is very imaginable for a consumer to make, the commport seems to get stuck on this function from that point on. It never works for this function again, even after reinstalling the application and restarting the PC. The only thing we haven't tried is reinstalling the OS. When this function is called in this condition, this error is gotten:
InitMonitor failed. Monitor: BSL: No acknowledge recieved. Please reset your application and reload the monitor. Com: Recieve: Timeout or Loss of data The error gives the error code 0x0012f158. Does anyone have any idea if anything in the dll could be locking the comm port up? Jonathan2007-05-14 10:48 PM
you use a call like : void main(void) { char info_target[256]; InitMonitor(info_target); } ?2007-05-15 3:01 AM
Yes, similar to that. Here is what I have:
void main(void) { char target[128] = ''''; unsigned int Flag = 1; Flag &= (unsigned int)InitMonitor(target); if(0 == Flag) { Flag &= (unsigned int)GetError(error); if(0 == Flag) { AfxMessageBox(error); } return; } }