2006-10-26 7:46 PM
2006-09-29 3:33 AM
I've done some EMC emissie test on pcb track niveau.
Above the ST72C334 i found an strong 8Mhz emissie. (clock frequency) My college have experience with PIC. The Pic doesn't have such a strong Emissie. Do i something wrong on PCB? I have a multilayer with a ground layer. Marco.2006-10-07 9:38 PM
Hy Marco,
I think tha You use a extenal cristal or resonator, at 16MHz? Try to put 100nF capacitors near to Vcc ans gnd micro pins. Is better to connect gnd pins in short gnd track PIC micro don't have this problem if using internal oscillator.... Bye2006-10-11 12:56 AM
This might help: http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/4967.pdf2006-10-11 4:00 AM
Thanks for you're replies,
I use a 8Mhz resonator Also there are 10nF capacitors near to the Vcc. The ground is a full layer. Also read all the different documents on the ST site. And still a strong emissie :|2006-10-11 4:06 AM
It's hard to say any more without a layout diagram. Can you post one?
2006-10-26 7:46 PM
Here is the schematic off the control board.
(Acrobat reader) ________________ Attachments : MT0080_1.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I05B&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bWJ%2Ffwyr7NB0A7oxZjV_u7EIYqht8kCbonvtBK6ZcN0GfkA&asPdf=false