2016-08-23 5:05 PM
There are discrepancies between eDesignSuite and datasheet of A6985F5V and A6986F5V. So I've submitted ST support team for this issue. They said that datasheet is correct. Please refer to TECH022521.
Please correct bandwidth and switching frequecy of eDesignSuite A6985F5V and A6986F5V model.
Datasheet: bandwidth -> less than min(fsw/6, 150kHz)
eDesignSuite: bandwidth -> less than min(fsw/12, 150kHz)
Datasheet: switching frequency -> 435kHz
eDesignSuite: switching frequency -> 450kHz
#a6985f5v-and-a6986f5v2016-08-24 2:10 AM
Datasheet: bandwidth -> less than min(fsw/6, 150kHz)
eDesignSuite: bandwidth -> less than min(fsw/12, 150kHz)
eDesign suggests a little bit more conservative designs, without reaching the theoretical limits of the small signal model.
Anyway, eDesignSuite also allows to manually modify the compensation network components so that the bode diagram may be estimated with more aggressive designs.
Datasheet: switching fr
equency -> 435kHz
eDesignSuite: switching frequency -> 450kHz
Thank you. In the next release we will align eDesignSuite to the Datasheet, which is the official reference for the device behavior and parameters.
Best regards,Patrizia BellittoeDesignSuite developers team