2007-06-20 3:56 PM
2007-06-06 4:25 PM
I'm trying to use the SSP0 of STR750 as an SPI slave. An external 16bit ADC is the SPI master and I want to configure the STR750 as a SPI slave with following parameters. - SS managed by software - 16 bit data - Data is captured on 1st clock edge(CPHA=0) - SCK is held low when no data (CPOL=0) - Receive Timeout interrupt(RTIM=1) According to the datasheet(Figure 101. Generic NSS timing diagram) Slave NSS should be pulled high between each byte transfer. Does it mean I should control SSI bit at each byte transfer? How can I implement this? Here is my source code : (for simplicity, I removed some lines) #define CR0_CPHA 0x0080 // 0=1st edge capture, 1=2nd edge capture #define CR0_CPOL 0x0040 // 0=SCK held low when no transmit #define CR0_16BIT 0x000F // 16-bit data #define CR1_SSI 0x0020 // 0= slave selected when SSM=1, 1-deselect #define CR1_SSM 0x0010 // 1= SS managed by SW #define CR1_MS 0x0004 // 1=slave #define CR1_SSE 0x0002 // 0=SSP disabled, 1=SSP enabled // Motorola SPI, 16bit Data #define SSP_CR0_INIT (CR0_16BIT) #define SSP_CR1_INIT (CR1_SSM | CR1_MS | CR1_SSE) Initialize() { // config P0.06 (MISO), P0.07 (MOSI), P0.05 (SCLK), P0.04 (NSS) // as alternate function, push-pull GPIO_Config(GPIO0, (GPIO_Pin_4 | GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7),GPIO_Mode_AF_PP); SSP0->CR0 = SSP_CR0_INIT; SSP0->CR1 = SSP_CR1_INIT; SSP0->IMSCR |= (IMSCR_RTIM | IMSCR_RORIM); } SPI_Interrupt() { status = SSP0->MISR; if (status & MISR_RTMIS) { for (i=0; i { Data[i] = SSP0->DR; } SSP0->ICR = 0; // clear flags } } It doesn't work with CPHA=0. All signals from external ADC were correct. Please add your comments to make this code working. Best Wishes, Byung-Tae Jung2007-06-07 5:47 AM
yes, you need to control the SSI bit between each byte transfer when the NSS pin is managed by software and the data is latched on 1st clock edge (CPHA=0). - At the case the NSS pin is managed by software and data latched on 2nd clock edge ( CPHA=1), no need to control the SSI bit because the NSS internal must be held low during the entire transmission as descriebd in figure 101 in the reference manual. - the code below will work properly if you modify the CPHA to 1 instead of 0 because you do not need to control the NSS internally. - In the case of CPHA=0, you need to set and reset NSS pin internally between each byte as follows; { SSP_SendData... SSP_NSSInternalConfig(SSP1, SSP_NSSInternal_Set); /*Set NSS internally*/ SSP_NSSInternalConfig(SSP1, SSP_NSSInternal_Reset); /*Reset the NSS internally*/ } Hope it helps. Regards,2007-06-10 4:26 PM
Thank you for the reply,
My problem is for receiving data, not for sending data. As you suggested, I tested following code for receiving. { SSP_ReceiveData... SSP_NSSInternalConfig(SSP1, SSP_NSSInternal_Set); /*Set NSS internally*/ SSP_NSSInternalConfig(SSP1, SSP_NSSInternal_Reset); /*Reset the NSS internally*/ } But it doesn't work. How do I know a byte received in the RxFifo timeout interrupt? According to the datasheet, I should change the NSS whenever a byte is received. Best Wishes, BT2007-06-15 7:28 AM
Is it possible to get the hole project? which board are using?
2007-06-20 3:56 PM
OK, here is the SPI routine.
STR755 is the slave and CS5451A(16bit ADC from Ciruus Logic) is the master. I don't send dato to the master, only I receive data every about 500us. My question was How can I control NSS by software whenever a byte received? The Receive Interrupt occurs only after whole 6bytes are stored in RxFifo. So I can not control NSS whenever a byte received. But the datasheet says like that(Figure 101). Maybe I misunderstood the datasheet. Please clarify NSS control by SW for receiving data. Thanks. Byung-Tae Jung ________________ Attachments : spi.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Ht9p&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aJj%2FaoXhDsrpeZ9l_tWWvp1qaoNUGmOW_R83RSteccjP9ak&asPdf=false