2006-07-06 7:12 PM
2006-07-03 10:01 PM
I'm working the ST72F264 micro, the micro clock source is an XTAL connected between pins 2&3. I accidently changed the option bytes from ''resonator oscillator'' to ''external source''. After that it seems that the XTAL stopped oscillating (no clock on pin 2 or 3) and I could not debug anymore with the InDART-STX debugger. Is this normal behavior?2006-07-06 3:01 PM
Yes, it is normal as the clock source does not match the option byte.
In order to recover from this situation, you are required to use the ''Ignore Option Byte'' option and connect the oscillator pin of the microcontroller to the OSC_CLK pin of the ISP connector. Detail procedure could be found on page 3 in the ''inDART-STX for ST7 FAQ'' document. I hope this help.2006-07-06 7:12 PM
Thank you very much,it solved the problem.