2006-06-29 5:05 AM
2006-06-29 12:29 AM
i'm a student currently working with STR712FR2. I'm trying to use I2C and have basically wrote a simple code to check the signal out from it. it compiles well and didnt gave any error but the problem is i couldnt detect any signal using oscilloscope. anybody can help me with this? heres my code #include ''71x_lib.h'' #include ''i2c.h'' int main (void) { u32 MCLK_Freq; #ifdef DEBUG debug(); #endif /* Configure the SDA and the SCL lines to alternate functions Open Drain (MASTERS) */ GPIO_Config(GPIO1,0x2000,GPIO_AF_OD); GPIO_Config(GPIO1,0x4000,GPIO_AF_OD); /* Initialize the I2C0 peripheral */ I2C_Init (I2C0); /* Configure frequency bits */ I2C_FCLKConfig (I2C0); /* Enable I2C0 peripheral */ I2C_OnOffConfig (I2C0, ENABLE); /*compute internal RCCU value*/ MCLK_Freq = RCCU_FrequencyValue(RCCU_MCLK); /* Configure I2C0 clock speed */ I2C_SpeedConfig (I2C0, 100000); /* Enable Acknowledge */ I2C_AcknowledgeConfig (I2C0, ENABLE); /* Generate the START condition */ I2C_STARTGenerate (I2C0, ENABLE); /* Wait until SB bit is set */ while (I2C_FlagStatus (I2C0, DIRECT, I2C_SB)==RESET); while(1){ I2C_ByteSend (I2C0,0X03); } thanx2006-06-29 2:40 AM
i'm using raisonance Reva starter kit. maybe this sound a bit stupid. whats a PU? is it a jumper that you put with the SCL & SDA pin. if then so, ive done that. thanks2006-06-29 5:05 AM
hi again,
well, ihave PU on the SDA and SCL and still it didnt give me any I2C signal. well the code looks correct to me. am i missing something ? thanks