2004-07-05 11:38 PM
2004-06-15 9:53 PM
Hey there,
I'm trying to use the amplifier of the FLITE05. The range should be 0-250mV. But in this range I got a ADC Range from 9 - 113. When I increase the voltage up to 500 mV, the ADC Value increase up to 200 which is the highest ADC result. Where is the problem?2004-06-15 10:10 PM
I've no experience with the ST7Flite, but i read the datasheet, and i noticed that the range 0-500mV only works if the Vdd is 5V.
2004-06-15 11:15 PM
My Vdd is 5,1V, but the range is in the data sheet from 0V - 250mV. (Chapter
2004-06-22 5:36 AM
You are right the input voltage range when Vdd is 5 V is indeed from 0 - 250mV.
2004-06-22 5:40 AM
You are getting ADC range from 9-113 when the input voltage is from 0-250mV which is right.
Voutput = Voffset (200mV) + 8*250mV = 2.2V Digital value = (2.2*256)/5 = 1132004-07-05 8:15 PM
I'm not sure to understand what the problem is, but I see on the note of the chapter 11.4.6 that the amplifier is not available on st7Lite05...
2004-07-05 9:04 PM
Hi Nico,
referring to the datasheet the OpAmp isn't available on ST7LITES5 but it is on ST7LITE05. Regards woro2004-07-05 11:38 PM
If you refer page 1 of the datasheet, you would find that ST7Lite05 and ST7Lite09 both have 8-bit ADC with Op-Amp.