2006-06-19 3:07 AM
2006-06-19 1:28 AM
I want to have a new adc sample every 5 msec from adc0 and adc1 and use adc2 and adc3 as GPIO. Is it possible to only scan the ''active'' adc channels using Round Robin mode or do I need to start the adc for every active channel seperately?? Kind regards, Sander Wiggers2006-06-19 3:07 AM
During Round robin mode the ADC repeats the conversion process for each of the four channels continuously in turn. In this mode, the converter samples each input channel for 512 cycles of the oversampling clock. The end of Conversion is indicated by the Data Available flags (DA[n]) in the Control Status register. They allow the software application to determine which channel data register has a new sample ready to be read and the result can be used independently of the other channels states.The DA[n]flag is automatically cleared when the corresponding data register is read. By the way you can scan only the channels which will be used by your application. Regards, Hich :p