2003-11-07 3:35 AM
2011-05-17 2:56 AM
Hello Henry,
As DN33 has stated, 200ns is too small. I am not sure about my following reasoning, kindly get it confirmed. Well if you have an external crystal of 12MHz, the time for single cycle instruction will be 1usec, which will be the minimum peroid you can get. Now if you have a 36MHz external crystal, the smallest period you can get will be 0.3usec. So i am not sure if you can get 200nsec with this controller, which is what Astrix meant to say too. I would like to have Moderator to give me confirmation of my above explanation. Regards, Bhushan.2011-05-17 2:56 AM
I think that 200 ns is not available now. But any timer is in ns level is accpetable for my MDIO application. But problem is how to get that timer? For example, I want 500ns timer. How to get timer count for 500ns(forget 200ns)? Also how to measure the timer using eqiupment to make sure it is about 500ns interval. Thanks. Regards, ----henry2011-05-17 2:56 AM
Hello Henry,
No idea as yet, but will let you know when i find some solution. Regards, Bhushan.2011-05-17 2:56 AM
I could nto see your two most recent posts where are in page 2 but when I click page 2, it says File Not Found. Can you e-mail me atmailto:henryzhang@att.net
? I love your post. Thanks. Regard, ---henry