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Teseo-LIV3F module is not sending out any message throught



I'm using AEK-COM-GNSST31 to valuate Teseo-LIV3F. Firstly, it worked so well throught the default setting values. My problem is after i set command to change uart baurate from 9600 to 38400 there is no output signal from uart.

below are commands i set:

1. $PSTMCFGPORT,0,0,1,38400

  got return $PSTMCFGPORTOK


  got return $PSTMSAVEPAROK 

than Power OFF -> Power ON

The result is i could not any output signal from uart. but PSS signal is still normally work.

I try restore such below:

1. Restore factory setting  $PSTMRESTOREPAR

2. Reset           $PSTMSRR

but it not working( No respose from Uart)

Did my command are wrong? 

Why Teseo-LIV3F stop sending output messages via Uart?

Thank you in advance for help!!

Associate II

From my point of view, you did nothing wrong. Have you tried to change the baud rate on your PC serial terminal emulator? On TESEO-SUITE, open the configuration session menu and select "settings" to change the UART baud rate to the desired bps on this software.

Did you check pin with a scope?

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