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Need help with the creation of new app. in Android Studio to communicate with STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1


Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a new application for my Computer engineering degree. What I have to do is to create an Android application an program the board STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 in pro mode. Now I'm doing the Android part: I've an app with 3 buttons each one with a label. I want to create a file excel in which I put the label and the data which came from accelerometer and gyroscope of the board. I had found a library on github for the BLE connection etc. and I'm trying to use it...but I have some problem because I don't understand how to use it. Is possible to have some examples or some advices?
Thank you.


Lead II

Hello @Ila 

I suggest you to take a look at this library. You can find a ready to use project. You have to adapt it to the application you need to do. 

Best regards.


Thank you so much.
I need something related to Android Studio develop because I'm using it to programm the Android App. I've already done the schede part with STM32CubeIDE. Now what I have to do is write on Android Studio the application I have explained...
The library and the documentation I've found is this: 
And based on this I want to produce my app...
I have only 6 days to do it and I'm afraid becuase I'm not on a good point. If is usefull I can share my code.

Best regards.