I'm using the theseo-liv3f module to make a GNSS board. In this project, I am only acquiring invalid positioning data, and I would like to know if there are any hardware errors to be corrected. I've already paid attention to the reset pin which is ac...
HI ,I have working on switched mode power supply design with wide input range (30-300) and I am using on the design many ST components.I have make my first design using eDesignSuite from ST using Viper37 IC, but I ordered only 2 IC and after that I c...
I'm trying to start a design from the eds.st.com/console/#/home page by clicking on "Power Management Design Center->LED Lighting Design Tools->DC/DC". All I get is the blue spinning circle. If I try the "Signal Conditioning Tools" from the same page...
I used the ST eDesignSuite to make a o 90V-265V AC power input to +12V with 0.8A and -12V with 0.2A output. So I purchased all the components and soldered the pcb as below,fig1. Soldered PCBCircuit - Schematic which was taken by eDesignSuite as below...
Hi everyone,I need to read system altitude with Teseo-LIV3 GNSS Module and I would like to know if I can read a nagative altitude with it ?The only place I can see altitude is at page 97 of the User Manual in (--GGA frame) but it is described as "Hei...
Hi, STMicroelectronics teams,We are working on a project that uses a lot of STMicroelectronics components like VIPER38HD so we used “eDesignSuite - Design, Circuit, and Simulation Tools�? from STMicroelectronics.The input of our circuit isICVIPER38HD...