2023-02-15 6:32 AM
Can anyone please help me with this problem. I want to store some values while the processor is in Standby mode. As, when it wakes up all the variables are reset. How can i make the variables static in case of standby mode. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
2023-02-15 6:40 AM
which processor?
2023-02-15 6:45 AM
It's STM32F407VGT6 Discovery board
2023-02-15 6:52 AM
STANDBY mode is only ended by aka reset MCU , then your code reinit all, but you can read about RTC backup registers ... This way only under power MCU hold values.
If you need store somethink after power lost , you need EEPROM external or emulated in flash...
2023-02-15 7:35 AM
as @MM..1 said, it looks like you need to use reset-permeable memories as Flash memory
2023-02-16 5:54 AM
I am using Flash memory of the controller but same issue resides.