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i2c on the Vega

Associate II
Posted on March 17, 2005 at 10:24

i2c on the Vega

Associate II
Posted on January 11, 2005 at 13:36

I am attempting to use the Vega's integrated I2C port without success.

I have tried using the supplied library (stpckit/src/libreg/i2cvega), but

I get no response from the processor. I strongly doubt that I am actually

accessing the Vega I2C registers properly - the register defaults have no

resemblance to the register defaults shown in the programming manual.

For instance,

unsigned long reg;


reg = HWI2C_ReadReg(HWI2C_REG_CLOCK);

gives a value of 0xffffffff.

I am using the evaluation board with a Vega marked STPCV1JEBC which

I assume is mature enough to have a working I2C.

Has anyone used the Vega's I2C?. If so, could you please supply a

snippet of working example code?


Associate II
Posted on January 12, 2005 at 02:20

I work with I2C on VEGA on low level (not OS) without prolem.

Best regards.

Associate II
Posted on January 13, 2005 at 14:50

Hi, user:

Thanks for your response.

I would just like to verify that you are not using the I2C emulator from the STPCKIT that uses GPIO to emulate I2C, but are in fact using the I2C integrated into the VEGA processor.

If you are using the integrated I2C, would you be willing to show me a couple of snippets of your code, specifically the initialization and an example of reading from the I2C?

I am also working at a low level (no OS).

Thanks for any help you can give,


Associate II
Posted on January 14, 2005 at 02:57


; BIOS configuring STPC HOST Register to base addres 5000h


; ~~~ MACROS ~~~~

wr_host_io_b macro rg, m, d

mov dx,5000h

mov al,rg

out dx,al

mov dx,5004h

in al,dx

mov bl,al ; �?² bl - �?¿Ñ€�?¾Ñ‡�?¸Ñ‚�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ �?´�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ

and bl,not m

mov al,d

and al,m

or al,bl

out dx,al


rd_host_io_b macro rg, rez

;push dx

mov dx,5000h

mov al,rg

out dx,al

mov dx,5004h

in al,dx

mov rez,al ; �?² rez - �?¿Ñ€�?¾Ñ‡�?¸Ñ‚�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ �?´�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ

;pop dx


wr_host_io_dw macro rg, m, d

mov dx,5000h

mov al,rg

out dx,al

mov dx,5004h

in eax,dx

mov ebx,eax ; �?² ebx - �?¿Ñ€�?¾Ñ‡�?¸Ñ‚�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ �?´�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ

and ebx,not m

mov eax,d

and eax,m

or eax,ebx

out dx,eax


rd_host_io_dw macro rg, rez

mov dx,5000h

mov al,rg

out dx,al

mov dx,5004h

in eax,dx

mov rez,eax ; �?² rez - �?¿Ñ€�?¾Ñ‡�?¸Ñ‚�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ �?´�?°�?½�?½Ñ‹�?µ



; ~~~ END MACROS ~~~~

; Programm for working I2C with At24C02 without interrupt


cseg segment para public 'code'

assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg




wr_host_io_dw 0Ch, 01FFFF0h, 0100FF0h ; Set FIFO -> maximum

wr_host_io_dw 0Ch, 0Fh, 07h ; Soft reset & Flush FIFO

wt: ; wait transmit & receive FIFO empty, I2C not busy

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al, bl

and al,40h

jz wt

; Write Data to AT24C02 for test

wr_host_io_dw 0Ch, 0FF0h, 08F0h ; Set FIFO -> maximum

;wr_host_io_dw 08h, 07FFFF03h, 03h ; START & STOP transfer I2C

wr_host_io_dw 18h, 0FFFFFFFFh, 0ah ; 8 BYTES transfer I2C to AT24C02

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 0A0h ; Address + Write

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 0h ; word address

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 011h ; data0

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 022h ; data1

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 033h ; data2

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 044h ; data3

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 055h ; data4

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 066h ; data5

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 077h ; data6

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 088h ; data7

wr_host_io_dw 08h, 07FFFF03h, 03h ; START & STOP transfer I2C

wt1: ; wait transmit FIFO empty

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,10h

jnz wt1

wt11: ; wait I2C busy

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,1h

jnz wt11

mov ecx, 0FFFFFFh


loopd pause_wr

;Read data from AT24C02 for test

wr_host_io_dw 18h, 0FFFFFFFFh, 02h ; 2 BYTE write to I2C (address + word address for read)

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 0a0h ; Address + Write

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 0h ; Word address = 0

wr_host_io_dw 08h, 03h, 03h ; START & STOP

rt211: ; wait transmit FIFO empty

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,010h

jz rt211

rt111: ; wait I2C busy

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,1h

jnz rt111

wr_host_io_b 0h, 0FFh, 0a1h ; Addrees + Read

wr_host_io_dw 18h, 0FFFFFFFFh, 08h ; 8 BYTE read from I2C

wr_host_io_dw 08h, 07FFFF03h, 04000003h; START & STOP transfer (read) I2C

rtt: ; wait transmit FIFO empty

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,10h

jz rtt

rtr: ; wait Byte received in FIFO

rd_host_io_dw 4h, ebx

mov eax,ebx

ror eax,16

and al,2h

jz rtr

rt11_: ; wait I2C busy

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al,bl

and al,1h

jnz rt11_

wr_host_io_dw 0Ch, 06h, 06h ; Flush FIFO

wt_fr: ; wait transmit & receive FIFO empty

rd_host_io_b 4h, bl

mov al, bl

and al,40h

jz wt_fr

mov cx,8


rd_host_io_b 0h, bl ; 8 cycle read

mov al, bl

call snd_byte

loop read_fifo1

; After I send receive byte to COM-port or check

ad_r dd 0

seg_ad dd 0

ss_n dw 0

sp_n dw 0

cseg ends

end begin


Best regards

Associate II
Posted on January 17, 2005 at 14:27

Yes we used veag's i2C and it works without problem. Are you using the last version of vega programming manual? I will try to send you an example code.

Associate II
Posted on January 18, 2005 at 13:40

Thanks for your responses.

It has turned out that my problem is with the initialization, specifically setting up the

base address for the Host interface that is used by the I2C.

I was using the initialization provided by the STPCKIT SDK, which turns out to be

incorrect. As per the programming manual (section 3.8), the least significant byte

of the host base address must be ored with 0x03 when it is written to Host interface

configuration address 0x12 - this is not done in the SDK (as of version 2.1).

When I made this fix, I was able to access the I2C registers.

I urge the SDK people to make this fix in future versions of the SDK.


Associate II
Posted on March 17, 2005 at 10:24


You assume that in the STPCKIT V2.1 you have changed the HWI2C_BASE_LSB parmater to HWI2C_BASE_LSB ||0x03 when writing in the Host configuration register 0x12 ?

We will check this point and return to you to confirm.
