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Heading integration


Hello everyone!

im looking into starting a new project,

i want to make a medium sized vehicle that would go out in the wild and photograph wild life from a distance
im looking into several challenges and a solved a few but there are still some complications

im looking into a way to integrate the heading of the vehicle and send it back to me
all i can see is magnetometer sensors and some calculations to estimate the result
i dont like this solution and want a sensor that will send a direct heading result

i found a couple of example that would generate it but theyre quite expensive:
for example

if anyone has experience in the field of a compass heading i would love to hear your solutions

another part which seems to be even more expensive is communications
there are some cheap aliexpress RDF900 that would seems to do the job but im skeptical and want to hear another opinion

another example is this one
which is built for FPV and will allow me for another way to integrate video footage to a single tranciever

to conclude,
i would love to hear your solutions for heading estimations and wireless communications

thanks for all,