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Flashlink JTAG-Programmer

Associate II
Posted on August 30, 2005 at 03:38

Flashlink JTAG-Programmer

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05


I have built the Flashlink JTAG-Programmer according to this schematic:

Unfortunately I always get an error message when trying to program a PSD834F2 via JTAG/ISP in PSDexpress: ''Invalid Port selected. Check also conneciton to Flashlink''.

I already checked the circuit, all connections are ok. I also tried different parallelport settings (SPP, EPP ...), without success.

I used 74LSxx ICs.

Can anybody give some hints, please?

Unfortunately, I do not a have a loopback cable. How do the connections of the loopback cable look like?



Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

hello my dear,

you should perform:

1- short circuit R14(R14=10k) resistor

2-connect pin18 of J1 connector to ground

I hope that problem is solved.

good luck. ;-)

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

I found the solution:

In the document

there is an error in the schematic:

At parallelport connector J1, pin 13 has to be connected with pin 8 and not with pin 20.

I found the correct schematic on an older CDROM from Waferscale...

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

I am the undergraduate from Malaysia. I am currently doing my final year project. The title is ''design of a single board computer by using M68HC11 MCU'' I would like to implement the flash memory into my design. Hence, I've decided to have PSD834F2 in my design.

In order to configure the PSD, I need to make used of JTAG programmer. I've built the programmer according to the schematic that I obtained from ST website. However, it is failed to work. I can't find out any reason for the failure. The connectivity and the chips are in good condition. So, can anybody give me any clue on building the JTAG programmer?

I am looking forward for your favorable reply.

Thanks a lot.

[ This message was edited by: HF_Tay on 10-08-2005 18:14 ]

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

Thanks for your reply. There are some other questions from me. Hopefully that you could explain for me.

May I know the connection of J2? Can I connect the JEN, TRSTN, CNTL and RSTN to Vcc? May I know the connection of the loop back cable. I did not use header in my prototype. I straight away connected those pins to the designated destination. (eg. TCK to pin 19 of PSD834) Will it caused any problem?

One more question is regarding the chip used in the construction of JTAG programmer. I used 74LS04 instead of 54ALS05. I thought it would be ok since 2 of them are inverter. Will that be a problem as well?

Thanks for taking time to answer my inquiries. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05


1)four pins in jtag is important:TDI,TDO,TCK,TMS

2)if VCC=+5volt then you should not use low voltage IC in this circuit.

3)if VCC=3.3volt then you should use low voltage IC in this circuit.

4)I think no different between two part numbers in this circuit.

bye. ;-)

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

74xx04 not requires external pull-up resistors

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

Thanks for answering my questions. I am really grateful to you guys for all your help.

I've successfully programmed the PSD. However, there are still some confusions with me.

Since I've configured the PSD, do I still need to configure the MCU? ( I am using M68HC11A1 manufactured by Motorola). I am going to put the monitor program (BUFFALO) into PSD memory. So, can I straight away connect the MCU to host PC through RS232 connector and load the monitor program to into the flash memory?

I am looking forward for your reply. Thanks in advance.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:05

I can't imagine, why chips 74ac05 and 74vhc240 in original schematic (from waferscale) was changed to dm54als05 and 74a240 ?

[ This message was edited by: _SY_ on 29-08-2005 09:58 ]