2020-11-04 11:10 AM
Hi guys!
I just have a question if STMs MCU's are capable of doing somethings that I need.
Currently I have a project that integrates an ESP8266 for the SPIFF (File System) and a Wi-Fi module for a Webserver. I really dont want to keep using the ESP8266 and move onto a mcu that I am more familiar with.
I did some research but couldn't find concrete evidence that the STM can replace the ESP8266.
So I am asking here if the STM MCU is capable of:
Any tips are helpful thanks
TLDR; I need to replace an ESP8266 for a STM mcu but needs a file system and Webserver/Http Server
2020-11-04 5:53 PM
Most STM32 chips are much more capable than an ESP8266, however you might have trouble finding already-built projects and it may take a while to come up to speed. It technically can do the things you ask, but file systems in flash are not ideal (unless they're read only) and the LwIP support is not awesome.
If you have an ESP8266 up and running, I would stick with that unless you really need the extra processing power and are willing to pay for it in time and effort.
2020-11-04 6:43 PM
I see, I have a couple of questions for you. Whats the way to do file systems on a STM32 chip then? Let say I have HTML,CSS, JS to store. What do you mean LWip isnt the best? is there a better alternative for what I need?
2020-11-06 1:08 PM
STM32 MCU can do many things, but, what your device will be capable of, very much depends on how good and advanced firmware you can write.
One doesn't need an actual file system to serve few "files" with some server. Especially if the files are static. lwIP has a solution and example for that.
2020-11-07 7:33 AM
Would you guide me to the link, I couldnt never find LWip examples