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AN1816 and banking

Associate II
Posted on October 04, 2005 at 13:02

AN1816 and banking

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:08


I have followed the app note AN1816 for configuring the keil compiler and the psdsoft to handle multi-paged memory. Everything has worked perfectly, but I have had a problem in the last step.

Whe it says 'For CSBOOT0, select the same HEX file that you had use for FS0, and set the address range to 0000h-1FFFh. Then click the ok button' if I just make this, it does not work. I need to make the same thing for CSBOOT1, CSBOOT2 and CSBOOT3.

Is there any errata on the app note?

What am I making wrong?

The CSBOOT part is suppossed to be the common part, if I put there the whole ****.H00 code what does it mean?

Tahnk you for your attention.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:08

I do not understand your answer very well. What does in mean 'because all is in CSBOOT0'. If I only put there the *.H00 it doe not work. The only way to make it work is putting *.H00 in all the CSBOOTs (CSBOOT0, CSBOOT1, CSBOOT2 and CSBOOT3).

Thank you.