2018-09-07 9:09 AM
I'm trying to use one of the example programs to prove out the connections. Unfortunately, the UDE is not seeing my board. I've not made any changes to the code, simply complied and then loaded debug.wsx in the UDE tool.
I had this working before, but now I'm doing nothing but hitting a brick wall.
There are 2 config files generated in the UDE folder on spc5studio, spc570s_discovery_debug_jtag.cfg and stm_spc57050_velvety_discovery_starterkit_debug_jtag.cfg. Does this matter?
2018-09-10 1:26 AM
Hello Todd ,
It is working well on PLS UDE 04.10
I have tested this morning on the Test Application on the application repository by USB Cable (mini USB)
Could you try with a default debug.wsx (Test Application) ?
Best regards
2018-09-10 12:33 PM
I built SPC570Sxx_RLA STM Test Application for Discovery without success in getting it connected to the target. Attached is the log file from UDE itself. Seems I'm connecting to the port, but the JTAG interface isn't seen.
I've attached my UDE log file. I can send you my debug.wsx as well to see if you can load it.
2018-09-12 6:41 AM
Hello Todd ,
I am checking with the same application that we have in SPC5studio 5.8.1 Application repository
SPC570Sxx_RLA STM Test Application for Discovery
Best regards