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SPC560BADPT100S usb/can flash

Jorge Suarez-Rivaya
Associate II
Posted on March 31, 2017 at 23:23

Hi All,

I just got a SPC560 minimodule and a SPC56XX EVB motherboard. I find the getting started extremely vague. I got the serial cable and I have a serial/usb dongle to connect to my PC.

My questions are,

- what is the best method to flash let's say ChibiOS into the board?

- would it be via CAN? (I don't have JTAG yet).

- Is there any specific terminal program to work with? or should I do it via SPC5Programmer?

I have requested licenses for ST SPC5FlashProgrammer and SPCConnectExplorer but I have not received any answer with the Serial Number yet. What is the expected waiting time? How long that license last for?

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on April 03, 2017 at 10:45

Hello ,

Did you have SPC5-UDESTK Token ?

Easiest and fastest way.

if yes , 

There is Application example inside Chibios + SPC560B Example (Generate and Compile)

  • You can use PLS-UDE to Flash (Link on Slide 4)


   Install it and the driver associated


  • Reswitch to SPC5Studio to debug .. the flash programming should open

if not ,

Could you give me your Serial/Usb Dongle name that you use ?

   Best regards


Posted on April 03, 2017 at 18:08

Hi Erwan,

Thanks for your answer.

No, I don't have a SPC5-UDESTK token yet. I ordered it but didn't receive it yet.

I don't understand why would you need the dongle name but it is  Keyspan serial/usb dongle.



Posted on April 03, 2017 at 18:11

Also, requested last Friday activation keys for SPC5FlashProgrammer and SPC5ConnectExplorer through the installation wizard. I haven't received any email or confirmation or serial or anything. What is the normal process?