2018-06-18 4:10 AM
Hello! I have looked at video about X-CUBE-MEMS1 (
). After that, I've installed
Unicleo-GUI and in tab FW Managment I don't see any one firmware for download on the board. In what correct folder,
as it is said in the video
, I need to unzip the packages en.x-cube-mems1.zip and en.x-cube-mems-xt1_firmware.zip for the firmware to appear in the tab FW Managment ?null2018-06-18 5:36 AM
You should put the firmware to following directory:
c:\Users\USER_NAME\STMicroelectronics\Unicleo-GUI\Firmwares\2018-06-19 1:01 AM
I have put some binary files to that folder and they are appered in Unicleo, but I can't to download they to board by double click, what's the matter? Also, I can't change or read device registers value in ''IKS01A2 Options'' as you at the video. Also, I have see inscription ''Nucleo Drive Not Found'' in FW Managment tab although I have got data from device via VCP as it can see in screeshot of ''User messages'' tab. What need I do to fix that situation to proper?
2018-06-19 3:40 AM
The possibilities to change ODR, FS and read and write to registers are only in DataLogExtended firmware.
It is strange that the Nucleo Drive was not recognized. I suppose you are able to program the Nucleo by copying the binary to the Nucleo driver in explorer, right? Maybe you can try to update the ST-Link firmware using the STM32 ST-LINK Utility.
2018-06-20 12:51 AM
I have updated ST-Link firmware using ST-LinkUpgrade.exe from 28 to 31 version and nothing changed.
I copied .bin file from Application folder in theen.x-cube-mems1.zip
to Firmware folder as youproposed
. As result Unicleo depict them but can't programm.PS I initially have download firmware to boardusing ST-LINK_UTILITY.
2018-06-22 10:54 AM
Can you please try it after you click on Disconnect button. Anyway we have discovered some issue in Unicleo-GUI and we will fix is in coming days.