2019-03-14 11:58 AM
All values on the axis Z are multiples of 256. If you rotate the gyroscope(lsm6ds3) on an axis with angular velocity <256, the value will be 0. I do not observe this on other axes. The values from the gyroscope are shown in the attach figure.
I read using the standard library: link. Code that reads data:
lsm6ds3_gy_flag_data_ready_get(dev_ctx, ®);
return 1;
memset(data_raw_angular_rate.u8bit, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(int16_t));
lsm6ds3_angular_rate_raw_get(dev_ctx, data_raw_angular_rate.u8bit);
for(int x = 0; x < number_axis; x++)
angular_rate[x] =
What is the reason for this behavior?
P.s. blue - axis Y, red - axiz X, green - axis Z.
2019-05-13 07:09 AM
Hi, are you sure you are reading all the axis correctly? I mean, 2 bytes for x axis, 2 bytes for y axis and 2 bytes for z axis? If you are reading 0 under 256, it's maybe due to last byte missing. However, I suggest you to point out your remark on github forum. Regards