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When MotionMC calls back to MotionMC_SaveCalInNVM, reading from the supplied pointer causes a Hard Fault.


My call back code looks like this:

char MotionMC_SaveCalInNVM(unsigned short int datasize, unsigned int *data)
    // This function is called when a call to MothionMC_Initialize(sampletime,0) is made with
    // data set to zero.
    uint8_t i;
    unsigned int *data_local;
    data_local = data;
    for(i = 0; i < datasize; i++)
        otter_mag_cal_nvm[i] = *data_local;
    return (char)0; 
} debug, this code hard faults when the loop reaches 106. Far short of the's MotionMC passed "datasize" of 184. The code has been tested to make sure the array otter_mag_cal_nvm[] is not at fault. For this testing the line "otter_mag_cal_nvm[0] = *data_local;" was used instead and the hard faults still occurred on the 106th iteration.

Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee

The datazise is number of bytes.

It is better to use memcpy command to copy data from the source to otter_mag_cal_nvm array. Please make sure the otter_mag_cal_nvm is big enough.



Hi @Miroslav BATEK​ ,

I have changed to using memcpy.

I am reading the calibration data provided when MotionMC calls back to the MotionMC_SaveCalInNVM() and used the IDE workspace Memory / Export feature to grab the compass calibration data and add it to a header file (our Nonvolatile Memory feature is not ready). Then, upon power up, I write the header file back into the structure provided by the call to the call back function MotionMC_LoadCalFromNVM().

But even after doing this my compass still requires the normal calibration maneuvers over the normal amount of time. So, I assume I am doing something wrong. I have read the compass calibration data several times and most values do are the same. Some values are different. But I assume this is because of subtle differences in how the compass was calibrated each time.

I was expecting the compass to report a 3 or "calibration good" immediately after the calibration data was written back. What might I be doing wrong?


Martin B
ST Employee

In fact unsigned int *data is bit misleading. The data is pointing to library internal data structure and should be saved/loaded as raw 184 bytes. Try to use:

#include <string.h>
uint8_t CalParams[184];
char MotionMC_LoadCalFromNVM(unsigned short int datasize, unsigned int *data)
  memcpy(data, CalParams, datasize);
  return 0;
char MotionMC_SaveCalInNVM(unsigned short int datasize, unsigned int *data)
  memcpy(CalParams, data, datasize);
  return 0;